Chart not loading

If you are unable to load the chart, please try the following in this order:

Refreshing your browser

Windows: CTRL + R
MacOS: CMD + R

Hard refresh your browser

Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + R

Create a new Workspace

  • Navigate to your Dashboard (Ensure you are logged in)
  • Under the 'Workspaces' Section, click: Manage Workspaces
  • Select '+ Create New'

Use 'Incognito' or 'Private' window

  • If using an 'Incognito' or 'Private' window resolves you issue, and you followed the steps in order above, the likelihood is that a browser extension/add-on is causing a conflict.
  • Disable each extension until the culprit is determined (this includes Google Translate)

Clearing your Local Storage for TradingLite

Clicking this link will clear your local settings (such as window position, selected server region, last used drawing options) for TradingLite, from your browser.

Note: If you are using Safari please follow the instructions below:

Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Select > Remove All > Done

Clearing your TradingLite Cookies

Clicking this link will clear your cookies for TradingLite. You will need to log in again after performing this step.

Note: If you are using Safari please follow the instructions below:

Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Select > Remove All > Done

If you have tried all the steps above, and the internet gods are still working against you, reach out to Support via Discord/Email or submit a bug report.

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